Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cara Mengubah Source List pada Ubuntu

Pengalaman kali ini saya dapat ketika hendak mengubah source list pada sistem ubuntu saya. Sebenarnya tidak ada maksud untuk mengubah, hanya saja karena ada trouble jadinya harus diubah. Sebenarnya saya sudah pernah mendapatkan masalah ini hanya saja saya lupa, karena sudah jarang menemukan masalah ini. Trouble yang common sih sebenarnya, pas mau update sistem (apt-get update) muncul error failed to fetch. Akhirnya browsing dan akhirnya dapat beberapa solusi yang salah satunya ialah dengan mengganti source list.

Barangkali tutorial ini juga dapat bermanfaat buat pembaca yang ga harus dapat trouble lalu ganti source list hehe. Tapi dengan alasan lain, misalnya mengganti karena ingin pake yang local aja ga yang pusat sana yang mungkin terasa lemot ketiak mau mengakses.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Cara Enable dan Disable Shortcut Kill X Server di Ubuntu 14.04

Kejadiannya ketiak saya menginstall ulang sistem operasi saya. Ya, Ubuntu.. adalah sistem operasi favorit saya sejak pertama kali mengenal dunia open source. Permasalahan yang akan saya bahas kali ini ketika saya menginstall Ubuntu versi Mate desktop. Fitur shortcut enable kill x server sangat menganggu!. Bagi yang belum tahu x server bisa membuka link ini. Penjelasan sederhana soal enable kill x server ialah logout sistem secara otomatis. Dan bagi saya, anak yang sering nongkrong di terminal atau yang sering menggunakan terminal untuk mengakses something. Fitur ini menggunakan keyboard shortcut yang sering saya gunakan di terminal yaitu ctrl + alt + backspace. Dengan mengetikkan shortcut ini, saya bisa langsung menghapus sebuah kata secara langsung, tanpa harus menghapus satu demi satu karakter. Kan jauh lebih cepat! ya karena saya pinginnya cepat aja sih hehe. Walapun untuk beberapa orang ya mungkin tidak terlalu penting. Selain itu, justru ketika saya membukan forum online yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan ini, justru seorang di negri antah brantah sana menginginkan untuk meng-enable atau mengaktifkan fitur ini. Katanya biar bisa cepet nge-logout gitu. Ya memang sih..hehe. 

Sunday, February 01, 2015

The Pure Love of My Ex-Girl Friend

pure water in the edge of leaf
Hello the capabillityact reader. It's a long time no to touch you all. It's been 4 months since I write the last article. So, how are you going there?

So, this the next story of article my ex-girl friend's revenge. Now I tell you about another my ex's love. Our relationship was lived when we were in senior high. she was my another fan. It's like another story, before I confess my love, I was already knew that she loved me. Since she accepted me as her boyfriend we met each other just twice. Because we have lone distance relationship so we can't anything else except touching via SMS or Facebook or just calling her phone number. We just met when we have a holiday.

And the weird thing is I accepted her as my girlfriend when I really didn't know who she was. Sure, I didn't know her physical appearance or her character. I just knew that she is a girl. And there's a rumor that she is cute and sometime she was famous in her school. She had many fans because of her cute. I trusted it when I looked her facebook profile photo. She is looked like chinese girl but actually not. 

Our relationship ran for 1 year and 2 months. And really, this's a long long time for having a LDR (Long Distance Relationship). It's Long Distance Relationship and it's done by 2 teenagers. One of

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

my ex-girlfriend's revenge

It's not about my role, but it's about my ex girlfriend. She was my 2nd ex girlfriend. I've talked about my 1st ex girlfriend in previous article. You can click this link.

I won't tell about her name or her identity. All I want to tell is about her characteristic and her vision for getting status as my girlfriend.

She was my junior. I knew her because she was famous between the girls in my school. She was still 1st year in school. She was cute with her short hair. Her skin was dark. That's why I called her “Sweety in the Dark”. Many students talked about her feeling to me. Ya, she liked me. And I couldn't believe that because I didn't give some special attention to her. And I was just simple, and certainly I wasn't a kind of fashionista.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Previous article i told about My Firstgirlfriend and I and now i tell you something about goal. In 2010, exactly when we were in senior high school we had a study tour event. We went to Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. That was the first time I go to Yogyakarta. The situation is not like in my hometown, Makassar. So much crowded, but Jogja is so calm. I  was falling in love with Jogja for the first time and actually, I never have a dream to study in Jogja, but now i'm Jogjanese. The next schedule is going to Bali. Actually in Bali we don't have some education organization to be visited but we just use our time for having fun. Some places we visit is Kuta Beach, Sanur Beach, Tanjung Benoa Beach, Uluwatu, and Bedugul Lake. In Tanjung Benoa, I met him. He is my old friend and my brother too. His name is Dody. He worked

Monday, June 30, 2014

My First Girlfriend and I

This story is about my first girlfriend. It's weird to tell a story about her. I start in loving person called “girl” when I was in senior high. But actually I take her for being my girlfriend because I like her, ya surely everydude will says the same. Actually, I take her because I want to have an experience  having a girlfriend. Almost all of my friend has girlfriend. One to one, one to many, I mean, being a playboy. And I guess being a playboy is like cattle farms in a breeding season.  I won't tell the reason. I never

Friday, May 23, 2014

Mengatasi Error phpMyAdmin di Aplikasi XAMPP pada Sistem Operasi Ubuntu

XAMPP merupakan aplikasi paketan yang menyediakan Apache Web Server, phpMyAdmin, FileZilla, dan Mercury. XAMPP biasa digunakan para web developer karena berbagai kemudahan dalam mempelajarinya. XAMPP secara default merupakan aplikasi yang disediakan untuk sistem operasi Windows, kalau di Sistem Operasi Linux seperti Ubuntu tersedia aplikasi LAMPP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Phpmyadmin, PHP5) yang memiliki interface yang sama dengan XAMPP. Namun, kini XAMPP telah tersedia di sistem operasi Linux.

To the point, pada artikel kali saya akan membahas tentang phpmyadmin. phpMyAdmin merupakan aplikasi editor MySQL yang berbasis Graphical User Interface yang dijalankan pada sebuah browser. Kasus kali ini, saya telah mengintall XAMPP pada sistem Ubuntu. Namun dalam penggunaannya, phpMyAdmin sering mengalami error.

Sebelum mengalami hal seperti ini, saya telah mengaktifkan program XAMPP pada sistem saya dengan perintah